Well is it our lost planet or does is belong to another smaller solar system ? who might be our own sun's binary twin.
This question is never raised , We still trying come to terms with this Nibiru phenomenon.
Asking more questions on top of the overflowing evidence pouring in from all over the world is to much !! But we have to , We need to stop that frame of mind and get to it where is this damn object. Is it ours or "Out there's" problem.
Well if it indeed is part of our solar orbital system what can we do to spot it or track its orbital path. This is when it gets tricky fact is the general public will never have access to this data unless you know someone who in turn knows someone, You get my drift .
Well that might have been true at the start of the year 2016 but that seems to be changing. Something has happened in the scientific researching communities out there .Never has so much data been available to the public and if you dig i mean really dig deep you find slyly released articles or data released with no media or social networking attributes ,Which means only a select grouping of individuals are disseminated this info.
So where is it Deanwill120
I'm on it guys
Firstly fellow Nibiru researchers ,that's all of you by the way, Go to wiki or search for WISE or wide field infrared survey explorer ,learn a bit about this device and its recent data and i quote "Discovery of an ultra-cool brown dwarf, about 10 to 30 light years away from Earth"
Firstly fellow Nibiru researchers ,that's all of you by the way, Go to wiki or search for WISE or wide field infrared survey explorer ,learn a bit about this device and its recent data and i quote "Discovery of an ultra-cool brown dwarf, about 10 to 30 light years away from Earth"
Get your understanding on optics up to scratch, Don't let people tell you your camera lens was crossed threaded that's why you get that flare. Crap that assumption implies every single camera on earth was put together wrong , Including mega expensive international space station camera's as well.
IF you search Nibiru or lens flaring ,This cake who's articles are to debunk this particular phenomenon , Uses outdated statements and content from other source's but contributes nothing himself. DON'T BUY THAT CRAP, LOOK DEEPER
IF you are dedicated have good bandwidth and time, Time been the most indispensable tool
you have to watch so many feeds and track and trace sightings.
Make use of Chem trail obfuscations taking place, Taking note of direction, start point, Geo location or tags.
Landmarks also help if you remember something use Google maps they have compass points.if you sight something out of the ordinary .
My research in finding Nibiru is now well underway ,I believe Nibiru is part of our Suns binary twins system and on a normal orbital path towards our sun .I do believe it's an iron based planet based on observations with an immense debris trail dragging behind it due its gravity.I hypothesize it to be the most outer planet in its own solar system and as the binary star orbits our sun all be it on the outside of the Kuiper belt the planets in the system would inevitably be closer to us when on our orbital side. Nibiru being the last planet in that system would be the closest.
This is scary because depending on its entry point and whether it strikes or drag trillions of ton of debris with it from the Kuiper belt this is a major hazard .ALL the planetary orbits in our solar system would be affected by its immense gravity.I believe it to be fairly far out beyond the Kuiper belt but when conditions and orbital alignment take place suited to an earth facing side we pick it up briefly.This applies to the whole system dubbed wormwood been seen on various feeds .
we will be continuing our look at this data and tracking it on a daily basis all my research is open source as i get i give it all updates everyday till it comes
take care of one another
go to deanwill120 on google +
you have to watch so many feeds and track and trace sightings.
Make use of Chem trail obfuscations taking place, Taking note of direction, start point, Geo location or tags.
Landmarks also help if you remember something use Google maps they have compass points.if you sight something out of the ordinary .
My research in finding Nibiru is now well underway ,I believe Nibiru is part of our Suns binary twins system and on a normal orbital path towards our sun .I do believe it's an iron based planet based on observations with an immense debris trail dragging behind it due its gravity.I hypothesize it to be the most outer planet in its own solar system and as the binary star orbits our sun all be it on the outside of the Kuiper belt the planets in the system would inevitably be closer to us when on our orbital side. Nibiru being the last planet in that system would be the closest.
This is scary because depending on its entry point and whether it strikes or drag trillions of ton of debris with it from the Kuiper belt this is a major hazard .ALL the planetary orbits in our solar system would be affected by its immense gravity.I believe it to be fairly far out beyond the Kuiper belt but when conditions and orbital alignment take place suited to an earth facing side we pick it up briefly.This applies to the whole system dubbed wormwood been seen on various feeds .
we will be continuing our look at this data and tracking it on a daily basis all my research is open source as i get i give it all updates everyday till it comes
take care of one another
go to deanwill120 on google +
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