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Tuesday, July 12, 2016



this indispensable tool is available to us YES ALL OF US over the Internet, at the ISS Imagery web site.
all live feeds are in fact recorded on the ground in up to date live feeds , This is easy to check ,if you have the mobile live streaming app you will find the alerts to your location , reveal exact weather patterns in real time to what we see on the live feeds . These COTS cameras the encoding systems and all hardware is located inside a rugged housing containing dry nitrogen at normal atmospheric pressure.

These beauty's are fixed in four positions on the station requiring no constant adjustments  this constant stream of imagery  is encoded into an Ethernet compatible format for transmission to the ground and to millions around the world.This way  the video can be viewed from any computer, as long as you have a decent Internet connection ,
the system is data intensive so don't go overboard if you have a Data Cap.
what is nice about the system is you can toggle between full screen view to take the most epic sequences , they are unique in the sense that every sunrise is different 

search Overview
  • The High Definition Earth Viewing or  (HDEV) investigation places four different commercial high definition cameras  external to the International Space Station (ISS) on the Columbus External Facility.
  • These cameras video will assess camera quality for space use while taking Earth imagery.
  • These cameras assess the hardware's ability to survive and function in the extreme radioactive environment of  Low Earth Orbit (LEO).
  • Educational outreach has been an important component of the HDEV project through the entire projects life    cycle. NASA HUNCH program students fabricated some of the HDEV flight components, and most of the HDEV
  •  operation will be performed by students teams

  • Principal Investigator
    Susan Runco, M.S., Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, United State
Whether you just want to check weather or just catch a sunrise or sunset HDEV is a wonderful tool to work with easy to use look sometimes there are interruptions , we must remember that the space vehicle is moving at breakneck speeds and space is quite an inhospitably place . whether you man or machine , solar storms and flaring from sol and not to mention low yield EMP'S can wreak havoc so patience is the virtue in this instance

i hope to see some of you guys out there getting some awesome footage peace

Thank you 

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