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Saturday, July 23, 2016



Well over the last 4 months, after been sent a series of questions on a anomalies often picked up on a web feed from the German run observatory.  Pretty much all the flares produced were mostly produced by the large machines lights being used at the observatory for normal operations , being carried out by the scientific teams in that part of Antarctica.
So does that mean there is no merit in anomalies released in all the footage that is made public constituting of 144 stills time delayed by 10 Min's every day?

Well , as one of our projects here at skyline observers, I have taken this quite seriously. As we know that we are being lied to, fed propaganda, given misinformation and led around by mainstream media influence . However there is always a little bit of proof leaked out inevitably.  The key is to keep at it ! Keep watching , keep digging and going over peer reviewed  papers hidden in archives, not disputed , just not available to mainstream media outlets.


So then , the best thing to do, is to start with the anomalies that are caused by natural sources, like lights from the actual station and from equipment used by the scientists at the station.

Below we see a vehicle on the left, causing the small flare to the right, above the station 

  • This particular station is equipped with many large machines with huge spot lights ,so if you look where the light in this particular still , it shows lights emerging from the ramp used to open the vehicle storage section.
  • This refraction shows up seemingly in the sky sometimes more than one light is used to illuminate surrounding area which can under the right conditions cause multiple light anomalies 
  • The actual vehicles can also cause flares briefly 

Neumeyer station


Vehicle returning to station head lights causing flare

Two work station lights causing flares very faint

So we see not all light anomalies are extra-planetary based

So are all light sources man induced ? 

Well no we have picked up transits. It takes many hours of going through each and every frame ,144 per day in fact.! Recently I picked up a rare phenomenon . The moon was in the perfect position to give us a nice comparison to illuminate an area in Antarctica  which is usually very dark. In doing so it exposes a planet on an opposite orbit. Corroborating to the growing popularity of our solar system being a binary system , thus supporting the long debate on the abnormal pull on the planets in our system, indicating a second sun balancing things out between itself and our sun. .

 So what is this planet swinging past earth?

In the above picture, we see the moon on the left on its way out of view and the planet crossing at approximately 22-26 degrees off the horizontal plane which continues out of view. The exciting thing about this visual , is it begins behind the moon and is clearly not produced from the station"s lights.  There are no vehicles and the service ramp is closed .
So what are we seeing here?

Nibiru ? Nemesis? Wormwood system's sun what????
Well its scary , because the people in position to tell us, are sworn to secrecy.  Threatened and shamed among their peers, in the respective big players in the theoretical physics and astrophysics field's.  Cowards they might be, but they are literally been left behind by private people looking at the same data and picking up more anomalies than computer algorithms.  Look at what happened at TED recently, where their public program picked up a transit of a star they where observing.  There have been quite interesting comments  made and theories shared.  I won't comment on these assumptions of that particular data package.

We will continue to track these sighting's and bring more light into these orbital paths 

It's not to say we have the answer.  Rather somehow technology has reached the point of no return .  We the people have power.  Now our phones have more power than that used for early space flight's .  Our PC's are able to create complex AI programming.........mmmm KNOWLEDGE IS YOUR POWER!!!!!!!

So be vigilant .
Be aware .
Be informed 
There are so many ways to get information.

deanwill120 outofhere

full sequences on deanwill120 google + page

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