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Sunday, July 3, 2016

UNDERSTANDING ' ISS' International Space Station DATA and PICS

Breaking it down ISS picture analysis

Example 1

Some of the sequences we see are amazing, showing colors and cool light effects, but what are we actually seeing? 

How do we cope with the ton of information in these stills taken in a fraction of a second, frozen in time?

Firstly we have to know the camera that is taking the picture. 

As we analyze the above shot taken from the ISS Live stream the following aspects of the camera can be seen:

  • We can see the inside of the Zoom able lens housing.  
  • We see the flexible material folded back on itself and the circular fitting holding it all in place. 
  • We see a worm in the sky seemingly floating around. What is it? In the above picture we see its only a piece of flint on the inside of this particular camera. Ahh peaked your interest ????

Secondly, don't get carried away by the busy colors:

  • They can make it hard to discern whats going on and cause you to give inaccurate attention.
  • The colors are normal optical anomalies.

Thirdly, focus on specific areas by find the source of unique optical anomalies:
  • Identify each segment of data down to the pixels. Sometimes hidden anomalies go undetected!!!:

What can we  see in this frame

Now LOOKING at our colorful shots we look for almost 3 dimensional objects at the source of these colorful lens flare .....ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE SOURCE OF THE FLARE !!!!!!.

Can you see a source here?  NO.....This is because there is not enough information in this particular  still                                      .

Here is an exercise for you to increase your proficiency in identifying anomalies:

example 1

1.  Identify the reflection of the camera internal lens.
2.  Identify the scope of the actual viewing window.
3.  Clear the viewing window of all camera related anomalies.
4.  Identify the lens flares.
5.  Choose the area you want to work with.
6.  Crop this area.

Together we find the truth

1 comment:

  1. Please forward any questions to our Google+ platform, all NIBIRU researchers welcome
