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Wednesday, July 20, 2016




So what could go wrong ? What would happen to earth ? 
The answer is lots, So much in fact that if i had to list them it would become a thesis. 
So i will start with the basic dynamics here .

Nibiru enters through the outer Oort cloud through the Kuiper belt and is now on a orbital path
which will take it around the sun and back out to continue on its way out of our system.

Problem 1, As it enters any object or  planets it passes  depending on how close it is, 
will experience pole shifts , massive climate instability's ,massive tidal problems even on other planet's or moons which might not have water but vast oceans of liquid methane for example.
As with our moon that affects our tides on earth by gravitational mechanics so to will any substantial body
out in space . 

Problem 2 : If Nibiru's makeup is as we think and is an iron based planet as the red wings would indicate .it would mean a debris trail of iron dust and objects mixed with ice and other normal acquired along the way materials ,Is been dragged behind it growing exponentially as it's gravity invites more to the party,BAD NEWS FOR US
We have gravity too , We are bound to attract a lot of the debris from the tail as the far out debris would just barely be pulled along and as nibiru is flung around the sun back out into space much of its tail wont make that transition and will be flung all over our Tiny little solar system. This results in meteor risks increasing for all planets and moons our own moon hasn't seen a very large impact in recent history , if it sustains a strike will it hold is current orbit? if its orbit is changed well big trouble for big blue's oceans and weather.

And the simplest but most problematic for us is "the Theia impact "or" the  big splash "this is the Giant -impact  hypothesis ...Google it
Basically its how we got our moon , A planet the size of mars crashed into earth 4.5 billion years ago and the debris left from that impact left us with earth and the moon ,lunar Debris recently analyzed shows thorough mixing of parent bodies. Giving this hypothesis some legs .IF we were to sustain a partially or direct hit well !!!!!we done 
finished gone cosmic dust once more.

As i said before its pointless to try and list problems associated with rouge planets on normal elliptical orbits as they are set in stone until they are influenced by something bigger.

I'm not trying to breed panic but in any scenario the key is to have knowledge of what could transpire not to riot or throw away values but to bond together and survive .we have been earning the right to this planet but we don't own her .
The Earth has no Master . Respect that 

deanwill120 outofhere when nibiru comes

1 comment:

  1. I am curious why no one is mentioning the planet that is visible to the naked eye. I have pix taken with a cell phone, while crossing AZ, and into CA. I have seen it cause a mini eclipse of sorts with the moon, during no eclipse. People aren't asking, "what is that second sun?" When I first heard of Nibiru/planet x, I had forgotten it was identified in 1983,by NASA,and in reputable newspapers. Then, it just disappeared. But, I thought when I heard of it, and even saw a picture last year, that it was nonsense, and the picture was photoshoped. That was, until my truck driver Son took pix. It is visible most every day. And now, I have pix of my own.
    So, add I understand it from research, the coasts will be wiped out over 100 miles inland, and the Mississippi will become an inland sea, dividing the US in half. It is said that the iron planet will pick up the "crust", and slide entire continents into different locations, possibly leaving the northern tip of Brazil resting at the north pole. Then, if course, there is the debris. Stuff knocked loose from the OORT belt, or slung from the planet's trailing debris. So, we have made moderate prep, I guess. Just can't believe that those who have a visual on it almost every day, like CA, and AZ aren't questioning what the hell it is! Don't expect the government to tell us until the last minute. So, i keep it under my hat, and take care of my own. Been ridiculed enough. Son even thought I was nuts, until he saw it for himself. Anyway, looking for a time line. A friend of mine on FB, was posting the increase in earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The entire "Ring of Fire" is active, and earthquake activity is tenfold increased. The year after Richter died, they reduced his logo rhythmic scale down, by one point, some say because of this very thigh. That is a 1000%, drop between say, a 4 and a 5 earthquake on the Richter scale. But the logorythm hasn't really changed. Well, good read... off to find anything else I can on the subject.
